The meaning of the stones
Stones and gems have been used since ancient times as jewelery to embellish men and women but also as amulets, due to their ability to attract or repel external energies and forces.
In fact, in many cultures and religions, stones are considered magical for their beauty and, perhaps, also for their power: it is believed that they have their own energies that can be transmitted to the people who wear them, and that they therefore influence spirituality, on people's sensitivity and moods.
Let's look at some of the most common stones in detail:

The Aquamarine stone is associated with value, courage and open dialogue towards the Most High. The most valuable Aquamarine stones are those that, once immersed in the sea, can no longer be distinguished from the water itself.

Agate stone is associated with serenity and inner tranquility: a stone that brings with it relaxation, cleansing of the soul, meditation and inner balance.
Agate stone can be recognized thanks to its typically streaked color, rich in shades, in multiple colours: from chalky white through yellow, green, red to then reach darker colors such as blue and brown.

Amber is the first precious stone
given to us by nature and the first mentioned in history. Worn it brings clarity of ideas, mental cleanliness, inner stability and manifestations of one's abilities while simultaneously giving calm and energy.

The Amethyst stone is the
stone of clarity, of being present in consciousness aware of
own existence, humility, sincerity and balance of life.
Typically purple colored stone.

Coral brings together all the forces of Creation and contains the vegetal, animal and mineral kingdoms in a single body. For this completeness it has always been loved and is a symbol of beauty. The colors in which we can find it vary from white to light pink, up to the most sought after, "dark red".

Certain victory is associated with the Cornelian stone; it is the stone of consolidation, of rooting on the earth and of awareness of living. Precisely because it is a symbol of Life, it opens the heart and warms it, it is useful to wear it when you are experiencing worries and
bad feelings. It is a semi-precious stone that we can find in the colors of red/orange (precious and sought after), brown (more usual).

Chrysoprase is one of the oldest gemstones in use and is also called "Venus stone" due to its beauty and connotation of love, similar to the goddess Venus. It allows you to enter into deep communication with your being and with nature, it promotes the development of patience.

Diamond has always been a symbol of hardness, light and eternity; it is the most precious stone on the market. It is the stone that represents all the values of true life, those moral and spiritual values such as purity and innocence. The Diamond is in itself the materialization of Nature in "perfection and greatness". To this
“precious” is traditionally associated with the promise of eternal love without
boundaries between lovers. The Diamond par excellence is transparent, but
it can also be found in light shades of blue, yellow, green and
of pink.

Jade is the stone associated with economic luck: wearing it represents the positive will in wanting money
from life, to be able to use it creatively and productively. Stone that should be given to those who have important goals to achieve in life because it gives stubbornness and helps to overcome one's limits. The color of Jade is often emerald green or light green, but we can also find it white or white-grey, lavender and violet

Lapis lazuli
The Lapis Lazuli stone is the stone that represents in a broad sense "the wealth brought by Friendship" and
from inner harmony. It is also the stone that brings self-confidence
themselves, ideal for those who feel inadequate in the situation, not up to par and shy; It gives the strength to express one's opinions and allows interactions with others in total balance. Lapis Lazuli is often blue in color
intense, shaded by small golden parts.

Mother of pearl
Mother of Pearl immediately brings the mind to the sea, the ocean and all the "magic" of water. This is why it is a perfect gift to give when starting any new activity: it gives serenity and emotional balance. Mother of Pearl is the internal part of the
shell, very hard and iridescent; its color is white par excellence with shades that vary from pink to yellow to brown.

Onyx is the stone of self-esteem: when worn it radiates courage and self-esteem throughout the body. Stone of concreteness, practicality and self-realization. The charm of the Onyx stone lies in its own
black color which contains the "everything" and fascinates with its
mysticism typical of this color. Stone often used as
talisman/lucky charm because it is associated with the universe.

The Pearl, mentioned since the times of mythology, passing from culture to culture, reaches today loaded with a thousand
meanings. We associate rarity and beauty with it precisely because of its
difficulty in finding them in the depths of the sea. According to our tradition, however, giving gifts as gifts
Pearls “bring tears”, misfortune and misfortune precisely because Pearls are associated with the Moon and are said to be her tears. The Pearl par excellence is white but very
beautiful and decidedly rarer is the black pearl.

White Quartz
White Quartz is more commonly known as Rock Crystal or hyaline quartz; Hyalos, in Greek, means glass. Since ancient times, White Quartz has been
it has always been considered a Gem with magical powers and therefore, as was typical in the past, also connected to healing. Usually if held nearby, in the hand or hung on a necklace it tends to
rebalance your state of mind giving you calm, peace and serenity. Ideal for those who are confused or often in an altered state, perhaps after a day at work.

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is one of the stones that
we mostly find it in nature in a thousand colours. His par excellence
color is pink, but the crystalline color is certainly the most
precious and sought after. This stone is also known as the Stone
of the heart: it means love and peace and is a stone that gives calm,
clarity and serenity; in short, a gem capable of "warming" our hearts.

The Ruby is loved for its
bright red color and for its hardness which sees it second only to
Diamond. Donating a Ruby is a wish for economic wealth, while wearing it is the certainty of success and the awareness of victory in life; in love it is instead a lucky charm because it protects from all dangers.

Emerald is a very fragile stone, it must be treated with delicacy and love; it is in fact the stone of the couple's harmony, that fragile understanding which then becomes lasting only with the passage of time, transforming into a hard and precious stone like the "diamond" which it will then be for life. Love talisman instead if worn around the neck for those looking for a new love.
Its color is green par excellence, but also precious in yellow tones
and blue.

Topaz is a very hard stone, rare and magnificent for its transparency; helps overcome fears, obstacles and relieves mental oppression. Topaz in love, perfect for indicating fidelity and integrity of feeling. Its commercially successful color is certainly blue, but
we can also discover it in the beautiful orange-red tone.

Turquoise is the stone of protection, of distancing oneself from risks and dangers; highly sought after for its fascinating color and since ancient times a symbol of the Divine and all the wonders associated with it.
Healing stone perfect for fighting migraines, relieving fevers and strengthening vision.

Very pure gem combined with fidelity, often used as a symbol of engagement because it protects against betrayal and is
considered a talisman capable of warding off and annihilating all
misfortunes. Donating Sapphire means wisdom, power and
frankness. The quintessential characteristic of Sapphire is its classic intense blue color which remains unchanged even if exposed to very little light; in nature we can also find it in
colors ranging from red to yellow to more subtle ones such as